Legal Fees
Typical Fees for an Athens Criminal Defense Lawyer
One of the biggest factors many people consider when deciding whether or not to retain a defense attorney is the cost. While it's true that an experienced lawyer will cost money, it's important to think about what a criminal conviction can cost you: fines, court fees, and even future earning potential. With this in mind, many people find hiring an Athens criminal defense lawyer to be a worthwhile investment in their personal and professional life.
To discuss the fee structure your case would have with our firm, call (706) 705-5122.
Legal Costs in Athens
There is no one-size-fits-all price for criminal lawyers. Often, attorneys who take on a large volume of cases will charge less; however, the tradeoff is that he or she will not have the time necessary to dedicate to your defense. Sometimes, these volume-focused lawyers will advise clients to plead guilty in exchange for a reduced sentence.
Another thing to consider when it comes to legal costs is how the attorney determines his or her fees. Some firms work on an hourly rate, which means that you will be billed even when the attorney takes your call or answers an email. Other firms charge a flat fee for their services, so you know what to expect when the bill comes.
Our Attorney Fees
Athens criminal defense attorney Lee Webb has spent his entire career defending citizens who have been accused of a crime. Because of this, he understands exactly what services and expenses are necessary to defend your case, and will quote you a flat fee after evaluating the specific circumstances of your case.
For your convenience, our office accepts credit cards and we offer a number of payment plans for your legal representation.
Making the decision to hire an attorney is important, and we are here to offer advice. Please call (706) 705-5122 to schedule a free case evaluation.
Why Choose Our Firm?
Put a Devoted Attorney On Your Side
We understand both the procedure of drug & alcohol tests, and the science behind them
Attorney Webb has earned numerous awards for his standard of excellence.
Clients receive Attorney Webb's personal cell phone & email address.
We have over 25 years of legal experience.